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Who's Driving Your Car

Nov 29, 2023

Join Matthew and Craig as they take step back and discuss the things they are thankful for. Each year this is a great time to take stock of the blessings in life and lean into the things the Lord has done for us!

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Nov 22, 2023

Join Matthew, Steven and Craig as they chat with Nick Verrette. Nick is a FOCUS Missionary serving in Crete, Nebraska as a part of the Bosco Project. Listen in as Nick shares his story of how God called him to this mission work, what he is learning and for ways we can support him in his work!

Nov 15, 2023

Join Mathew, Steven and Craig as they take a trip down memory lane and discuss the journey of the last 200 episodes of the ‘cast!

Let us know on social media on Facebook or Instagram Who is Driving Your Car Today!!

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Nov 1, 2023

Join Matthew and Steven as they discuss how and where to find the calm in life. Does a calmness mentally translate to a physical calm? What about vice versa? Do you find it difficult to center yourself and relax without needing to be busy? What benefits can you find in the calm? Listen in as the bros talk about...