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Who's Driving Your Car

Feb 26, 2020

Join Matthew, Steven and Craig as they talk about faith what that means to them. They talk all about having faith, what it means to each of them and their families as well as how they practice faith. Craig talks about looking for the positive and having a focused faith. We all understand that faith can and will look...

Feb 19, 2020

Join Matthew, Steven and Craig as they talk about the differences in Inspiration and Motivation. Listen is as they discuss how they try to inspire others and who has left an impression on their lives. 

Who or What inspires you to try harder, be better or who are you trying to inspire? 

 We want to know what has made you...

Feb 12, 2020

Join Matthew, Steven and Craig as they talk about the stages of life they are in. How even in different stages they make time for their friendship and how they are each learning from each other and others around them.

But we want to know what stage of like YOU are in! 

Are you an empty nester? Are you sending your kids...

Feb 5, 2020

Join Matthew, Steven and Craig as they talk about the LSU Championship game and some of their recent struggles and how they are dealing with them. Sometimes life knocks us down but we don’t want to stay down very long, we want to encourage you to find the good in the struggle and stand back up!

How do you handle...